China Internet Report - Deep Dive at Web Wednesday (V128)
You're invited to join us for another "Wirtual Web Wednesday" on Zoom!
You're invited to join us for another "Wirtual Web Wednesday" on Zoom!
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs
As a special offer to Web Wednesday members for the upcoming interview at 5pm on Sept 9th (event invite to come), SCMP Research, a new division of the South China Morning Post, is offering a 30% discount for the China Internet Report 2020.
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs
One of my reasons for launching the Web Wednesday community back in 2006 was to have an untethered testing ground for emerging digital technologies. A space where we could try out the latest "shiny objects" at a live event with real people in unpredictable environments.
We started with audio podcasts on Odeo which the founders then closed and went on to launch Twitter!
We pointed our first generation smart phones at Geoffrey the Giraffe (guy in a rubber suit) hoping to download the latest Java game over Bluetooth. ToysRUs went out of business and, sadly, put Geoff down!
We've blogged on Blogger, tweeted on Twitter, signalled on Sina and grinned on 'Gram.
We've shaken our phones in unison to speed-connect over WeChat. We've scanned each other's profiles on LinkedIn.
Our interviews were now originally posted on Vimeo and YouTube and are now also on LinkedIn and IGTV. We've even live-streamed onto Facebook (with Mevo).
And today, we go live with our very own chatbot on WhatsApp! Come try us out.
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs
Henry Oh arrived in Hong Kong in 2005 to write a book about the Hong Kong underworld, he soon found a job via the Web Wednesday networking community and started his career in mobile gaming as Head of Business Development for Hello Kitty!
Fifteen years on, Henry is back in San Francisco, as VP of Operations & Partnerships for, where he now helps mobile game developers answer the question, "Is my ad campaign ROI positive?" with data insights on downloads and in-game activities.
We managed to cover many topics:
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs