Calling All Hong Kong Digerati! (Local artists and their fans! Oh yea, some chance!)
'Tis the season of love - why should we limit it to one day only?
For our next social mixer on Wednesday 4th March, we've invited Patrick Lee and Stephen Wang, the co-founders of Rotten Tomatoes (which they sold to IGN for US$10 Million in 2004) to talk about their new enterprise based in Hong Kong, "Alive Not Dead", which they describe as "an online community for artists and their fans, with over 1,100 artists and 390,000 registered users".
We'll be speaking about why and how they set out to build a new global rock & roll social network as well as comparing their entrepreneurial experiences in the US, Mainland China and Hong Kong.
With members who are as talented as these, can you see a reason not to join?
The night kicks off at 6:30pm and ends around 9:30pm, so you'll have plenty of opportunity to mix with the movers and shakers of our local internet industry.
There will be an entrance fee of HK$100, unless you're a bona-fide student, in which case it's HK$50. This includes one complimentary drink. All other drinks are at Happy Hour prices. (We will issue a receipt, if you require one). As per our last event, we will donate 10% to charity (more later).
Do invite your groovy friends and artistic colleagues to join the Asian Digerati on Wednesday 4th March at Q97, Basement, California Tower, Lan Kwai Fong.
You can sign up for the Facebook event listing here.
Looking forward to seeing old faces and meeting many more new ones,
Napoleon Biggs
Founder & Host - Web Wednesday
Internet Marketing & Digital Media Specialist - Palava Digital Ltd