Shocked into Social Media
In your face but nicely designed slides to shock you into being engaged with people via social media.
In your face but nicely designed slides to shock you into being engaged with people via social media.
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Napoleon Biggs
Our next social mixer (V16.0) will be held at Q97 in Lan Kwai Fong on Wednesday 3rd September. Networking from 6:30pm, guest speaker panel at 7pm. If you're on Facebook, you can sign up for free here.
Now that the net has become the place for writers, musicians, photographers, artists and all other creative types to promote and distribute their works, we will be discussing a new way to share, remix and reuse this content - legally! - using Creative Commons.
Here's a video explaining how it works (English version):
And the Cantonese dubbed version:
As per the official website:
Share, Remix, Reuse — Legally
Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved."
Our guest speaker will be Rebecca MacKinnon, Project Lead for Creative Commons Hong Kong and Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong's Journalism and Media Studies Centre. Rebecca is also a prolific blogger and micro-blogs in English and Chinese on her Twitter account.Amongst here many talents, Rebecca is also the co-founder of Global Voices, an international bloggers' network and the former Bureau Chief for CNN in Beijing and Tokyo.
We will also be inviting a couple of local Hong Kong start ups who use creative commons as a base for sharing content on their websites.
This social mixer is free and open to any one interested in the internet and digital media in Asia. Sign up here for the event.
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs
This month, our friends in Singapore will be inviting Kevin Huang, CEO of Pixel Media Asia to speak at their 7th Web Wednesday event.
To quote from their invite, " Kevin has been billed as a 'living legend' in the online advertising industry in Asia and was one of the early pioneers at Doubleclick networks before setting up and launching the publicly listed Pixel Media Asia. Kevin will be speaking on his experience in setting up and running a digital advertising business in China - the challenges and pitfalls on the way to success."
Kevin was one of our earlier guests in Hong Kong (Social Mixer V5.0 - Oct 2007)and you can listen to his interview here.
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Napoleon Biggs
There's been a lot of talk about Liu Xiang, one of China's most famous athletes, dropping out of the Olympic hurdles final due to injury. Rather than add more words, here's a photo mash-up by Chinese blogger, Corey, that captures the disappointment. No more words needed.
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Napoleon Biggs
Quick post of the recent panel interview at Web Wednesday V15.0 with Michael Logan, Multimedia Editor of the South China Morning Post ( and Sam Hui, Business Director for Next Media Interactive, who manages More comments later...
And a great sound bite from Sam's boss, Jimmy Lai, rebellious owner of the Apple Daily:
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs
Our former guest speaker at Web Wednesday, P.K. Chan of Editgrid, is now offering real time tracking of the Olympic Medal tally (hash tagged with #080808) via his online spreadsheets. Here is an embedded version for you to play around with, although it looks much better on his site.
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs
Four renowned Chinese bloggers and active twitterers - flypig, webleon, babechloe and junyu - have come up with a great idea to use the hashtag "#080808" to track people's thoughts, comments and photos of the Beijing Olympics. ("080808" stands for 8th August 2008, the opening day of the Games).
In a short period of time, a Google programmer, Junyu Wang, has already built a clever mash-up, tracking the latest activities tagged with "#080808" from YouTube, Flickr, Technorati, and Google Blogsearch. See it all live here:
Drop by their blog (, download some icons and join the campaign. Many peopek have already created their own logos. You can see and edit many more here on Flickr. I'm using this one as my Twitter background:
And this one, designed by Yiying Lu (famous for Fail Whale), as my Twitter icon:
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs
Thanks to Typhoon Kammuri raising the Number 8 Signal and forcing us all to stay at home, tonight's Web Wednesday gathering has been postponed to next week.So please reset your diaries for Wednesday 13th August, same place, same time.
It looks like our two speakers, Michael Logan of the and Sam Hui of AtNext Media, will also be able to come. You can sign up for the event here.
Enjoy the storm, however wimpy you think it may be!
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Napoleon Biggs
If you missed the last Web Wednesday event in July. I can't replicate the networking, but here is the interview with Chris Justice, MD of Quamnet Group.
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs
Boomtown Beijing - what do the real people of Beijing (老百姓) think about the upcoming Olympics? Here's a trailer of Siok Siok Tan's documentary that may help answer your curiosity.
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs
Calling All Hong Kong Digerati!
Come join our 15th social networking event. Meet, mix, learn and share your experiences in a casual and friendly atmosphere. To help us know, expected numbers please sign up for the event on Facebook.
This month, we will have a panel interview with two media experts who are helping their newspaper organisations move into the digital realm:
Michael Logan, Multimedia Editor for the South China Morning Post ( who has pioneered the print newspaper's venture into audio podcasting and vidcasting. In fact, today they have launched the revamped multimedia channel, using BrightCove to serve and share videos. They've also started to list the audio podcasts in blog format along with the show notes (easier to find on search engines), which contain valuable links to their music selection - these guys have great taste in music so well worth dropping by! Like their Olympic website, all the multimedia content is free!
Sam Hui, Business Director for Next Media Interactive, who manages and has started an interactive, audience participation video channel, called Apple Action News. Sam is the man behind many of the Apple Daily's ventures into the internet space and is actively involved in their new Olympic website.
As the event is 2 days before the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony, we will naturally also discuss how online news organisations are using the internet to cover such as large scale event.
Posted by
Napoleon Biggs