Tapping into the grass-roots fan base for all things iPhone, Palava Digital has teamed up with Beansbox, Headnix, MACitizen and Hong Kong University's Mac User Group to welcome Apple's 3G iPhone to Hong Kong.
We will be hosting an iPhone Party will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday 17th July at Grappa's Cellar, Basement, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central. Grappa's can host more than 500 people so we're expecting quite a crowd!
To guarantee your entrance, I'd suggest you sign up on the official website, iphoneparty.hk, and see who else is coming along on the Facebook event invite. Feel free to invite friends!
You can find your way to the venue with this Google Map:
View Larger Map
More than just indulging Mac addicts, the event has also been set up to bring together budding application developers and digital marketeers to generate new ideas for iPhone applications, created in our home town, Hong Kong. In fact, a contest has been set up whereby the person with the most interesting idea for an iPhone application can win a revolutionary 3G iPhone. Get your thinking cap on and submit your idea here.

On the night, you will be able to:
* Experience iPhone 3G (and get one!) - sadly, no longer thanks to 3HK (see below)
* Get exclusive special product offers - sadly, no longer thanks to 3HK (see below)
* Meet iPhone app developers and Mac fanatics
* Showcase of full Apple product line (iMac, iPod, Macbook Pro, Macbooks, Apple TV ...)
* Enjoy live demos of iPhone apps
After initial reluctance (don't these guys get the benefit of marketing to niche audiences?), 3 Hong Kong (Hutchison Telecom) has decided to officially support the party and attendees can purchase their very own iPhone 3G on the spot! Update (10/07/08): Sorry, I spoke too early there. Due to internal wranglings, 3 HK will no longer be involed in this event.
Ultimate PC & Mac Gallery will be showcasing the full Apple product line. Update (10/07/08): Again, it looks like 3HK has asked its distributors to cease any promotional activities related to the new iPhone so Ultimate will also not be officially involved in this event.
Editgrid, the provider of online spreadsheets, will be sponsoring the first 100 drinks.
Wi-Fi will be available at Grappa’s and there will also be a wireless router for back-up.