December 12, 2008

Web Wednesday Guangzhou - Dec. 17th

Meet the Guangzhou "Digerati" and greet our guests from around Asia who are leaders on the Internet! Our main goal is to network and meet new people with common interests in the Guangzhou area, learn from our guests and, oh ya, HAVE FUN!

Topic: "How does the Internet continue to shape the spoken and written word?"

  • Scott Tong, American Public Radio Bureau Chief for China
  • Rebecca MacKinnon, former CNN Bureau Chief in Beijing and Tokyo, HKU Professor of Journalism, Creative Commons Director in HK and founder of Global Voices Online.

  • (We had the honour of having Rebecca as a guest in Hong Kong back in September 2008).

    Web Wednesday Guangzhou is held every third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM at the Paddy Field Irish bar and Restaurant on Hua Le Lu right behind the Garden Hotel. It is managed by Doctor Lonnie Hodge and his super-efficient team at Culture Fish Media

    Sign up for the event on Facebook here.

    I'll be making my way across the border with a bunch of local HK Digerati so see you there, or on the speedy through-train!

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