First 2 Forward - Match 5 (Oct 21st)
Web Wednesday's foray into new events for the Asian Digerati continues with First 2 Forward, the bilingual game show hosted by the multi-talented MC Hyperlink (Pictured in all his eccentric glory below!)."What is First 2 Forward?" you may ask. MC Hyperlink tells it like this, "It's like a TV game show. It's like a creative department show n' tell. It's like nothing you've ever seen!".
Still don't get it? (I didn't at first!), "First 2 Forward is...Two top creative directors. Five rounds of competition. One event that reveals the freshest, funniest, and freakin' coolest stuff from around the Web". In Cantonese, "First 2 Forward就好像電視遊戲節目一樣,由兩位參加者進行5個回合的比賽,各人需要根據不同的要求,找出最精彩、最搞笑、最貼題的超連結即可。而首次參加比賽的2位參加者均為城中出色的廣告創意總監,且看他們哪一位能勝出首次比賽!"
Tempted? Follow First 2 Forward for the latest updates on Twitter (@first2forward) and come to Match 5 on October 21st (a Wednesday, course!) to watch James Reeves, Creative Director of McCann, battle it out against Jay Oatway (@jayoatway), Tech-Culture Trend Hunter, Digital Journalist, Social Media Evangelist and previous guest speaker at Web Wednesday Hong Kong.
We even have a groovy, bi-lingual email invite, designed by MC Hyperlink's creative crew at MRM Worldwide, that goes out to our 1,800+ members.From this month on, First 2 Forward will be hosted at the Philia Lounge, 4 Arbuthnot Road, Central. Doors open 8:00pm. Show starts 8:30pm.
Introducing ... celebrity judge crowdsourcing! Be ready to say your piece and put up a score because MC Hyperlink will be diving into the audience to select random judges for every round.
第五回: 2009年10月21日晚上8時Philia Lounge, 中環亞畢諾道4號
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