Social Mixer V49.0: Battle of the Apps!
Calling all app entrepreneurs!
We're planning an open mike for you to introduce your best app to the Hong Kong Digerati on 20th July at Volar Club, Lam Kwai Fong, Hong Kong. Sign up on Facebook or LinkedIn.
You have 5 minutes to show off your app (videos preferred). At the end of the evening, we'll take votes from the audience. The most popular app will win great prizes and a full interview slot at an upcoming Web Wednesday with all the associated promotional benefits.
Do help me spread the word so that we can attract a wide range of contestants. All apps welcome, be they on iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Chrome or Symbian (TV, tablet or smartphone).
As per usual, there's a HK$100 entrance fee, including one complimentary drink, a free talk, high-quality networking and the chance to win lucky draw prizes.
Our lovely assistant, Vivian, will issue receipts if you need one. (For students, you can get in for HK$50 without free booze). Thereafter, all standard drinks will be charged at special happy hour prices.
This month we continue to donate 10% of entrance fees to the Japanese Red Cross.
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