80 Social Mixers - Festive Fun and Prizes
As the "grandfather" of the networking events for internet entrepreneurs and digital media folk, Web Wednesday is proud to celebrate our 80th social mixer tonight!
We've laid on al kinds of entertainment, from singers to dancers, photo booths and prizes.
The in-house rock band at mobile wallet startup, PassKit, "#PFR PNP", will perform a set. Download your own mobile pass from here.
Capture your holiday spirit on film, share it on social media and...print it out! Live photos for tonight's School for Startups at Web Wednesday Hong Kong (V80), brought to you by the fun folk at HK Photobox - Hong Kong's Premier Photobooth Rental Company. They are offering our members a 10% discount on photobox bookings until the end of 2013, just mention "Web Wednesday Startup Week" on your booking. (Find them via their website, Facebook or Twitter)
They've event created a funky video to get you in the mood for a good selfie!
HK Photobox - Call Us, Yes! from HK Photobox on Vimeo.
Local Hong Kong travel startup, HotelQuickly, is generously offering a booking coupon worth HK$800 for the lucky draw prize. Download their app from here. (Follow them on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest).
And finally, our world-renowned speaker, Doug Richard, will be giving away a signed copy of his latest book, "How to start a creative business, the jargon-free guide for creative entrepreneurs". Check it out on Amazon UK.
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