December 3, 2009

Ending the Year Backstage

Dear Digeratus,

Nicely packed networking session at Web Wednesday HK (V31.0) last night with 120+ guests at our new venue, Backstage Live.

My thanks to those of you who came and listened respectfully to Joanne Ooi (, Founder of the Clean Air Network ( Joanne appreciated the chance to share her experiences building her worthy (if not, slightly scary) cause via social media and told me that she had "made some great connections last night".

Apologies for last minute cancellation from Admob. Guess you don't want to put a step wrong when the princely sum of US$750M is on the table! Christian Cadeo has promised to make an appearance in Feb or March 2010. He owes us BIG!

Our next mixer is set for Wednesday 6th January and I'm busy locking down one of eBay's biggest power sellers in the Asia Pacific region.

Until we next meet, have a refreshingly human holiday break and promise me you'll disconnect for at least one day. It's good for the soul!

Thanks for all your support through 2009! We're looking forward for an even more socially connected 2010.

Napoleon Biggs
Founder & Host - Web Wednesday

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