August 29, 2012

SES Hong Kong - Marketing Digerati 2012

For the third year in a row, Web Wednesday is happy to support SES Hong Kong, the annual conference and meeting point for over 300 digital marketing and advertising professionals. If you want to keep up with the latest marketing trends, best practices, new technologies and, above all, hear practical tips that will help grow your business, register here to enjoy a special 20% discount.

SES Hong Kong 2012 will showcase leading digital experts focusing on the hottest topics in the digital marketing space, including:

  • Matthew Chan from Ralph Lauren, Juliana Loh from JLOH Communications and Zaheer Nooruddin from Burson-Marsteller discussing best ways for you to develop an integrated, regional social media strategy when juggling multiple channels, cultures, time zones and languages.
  • Madhu Malkani from Estée Lauder teaching you what you need to look and listen for, and how to apply it to your business to maximize ROI through his in-depth introduction to analytics.
  • Sean Rach from Prudential and Con Apostolopoulos from Turner Broadcasting sharing a hands-on case study for you to create a movement with your ideas across all media platforms: social, search, mobile, web, TV...
  • Myself, Napoleon Biggs, moderating a panel discussion on award-winning strategies: new tech, new trends, where Ricky Chu of Gravitas and Leonard Chan of Pulse Mediatech will explore how augmented reality and other hot new technologies can help retailers to drive customers from online to offline.
Get into the mix and register here to enjoy a 20% member discounted rate now! (Groups save even more...)

Join the SES conversation to hear about useful tips, meet industry experts, get unique offers and join competitions:

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