February 3, 2009

Web Wednesday donates to Charity: Water via Twestival

On 12 February 2009 175+ cities around the world will be hosting Twestivals which bring together Twitter communities for an evening of fun and to raise money and awareness for charity: water.

The Hong Kong Twestival will be held at 12 February 2009, Yumla Bar, just off the top of Pottinger Street, underneath the restaurant called Mrs. Jones. Festivities will kick off at 8pm and will include a live performance from N™ and a DJ. Buy your tickets here (HK$100, including a free drink - all proceeds to charity:water). Alternatively, you can donate directly by visting www.charitywater.org/donate.

The big news is that LiveEarth, host of the largest global entertainment event in history (2007’s Concerts for a Climate in Crisis), has joined the cause by becoming Twestival’s global broadcast and video partner and is asking people to submit their Twestival experiences to Live Earth Video.

I strongly believe in this cause and, on top of promoting it through all the Web Wednesday channels, will donate 10% of the entrance fee takings at tomorrow's Web Wednesday to charity: water.


Anonymous said...

Is it true Web Wednesday is now a paid event? Does the entry fee include a drink or something?

Napoleon Biggs said...

Yes, Web Wednesday has now become a paid event. From now on, we will charge an entrance fee of HK$100, unless you're a bona-fide student, in which case it's HK$50. This includes one complimentary drink. All other drinks are at Happy Hour prices. (We will issue a receipt, if you require one).

Apart from the odd charity donation, we will reinvest the funds into Web Wednesday to ensure that we can continue to provide a high quality networking event with topical speakers in a suitable venue.

Anonymous said...

Alrighty then, now I need to figure out how to charge this as a work expense...

Napoleon Biggs said...

No problems. We can issue a receipt for you at the door.