Sending warmth in the snow
Unlike the sexual diatribes of Edison Chan, Hong Kong's other celebrities are putting their fame to good use and have teamed together to "send warmth in the snow" (雪中送暖) to brothers and sisters in the mainland being hit by the record freezing weather. The Chinese description of the video puts it very well: "五十年一遇的暴雪肆虐中國十幾個省區,災情嚴重,災民的苦況,牽動著每一個人的心。香 港百位藝人參與大合唱,為內地同胞送上溫暖關懷的歌聲". Or in English, "The worst snow storms in 50 years have struck 10 provinces in China, causing serious damage and bitter pain which has deeply moved everyone. Over 100 Hong Kong celebrities have united their voices in song to send warmth and care to their brethren in the Mainland."
Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) brought the artists together to sing this song and distribute it over RTHK channel on Youtube. Hopefully, the gatekeepers of the Great Chinese Firewall will let this one through!
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